Source of Living Water


Day 24: Tuesday, week 4


Moving Beyond Stereotypes

Our recognizing that receptivity is an innate capacity in both men and women has moved us beyond the limitations of “God imagined as a great patriarch in relation to a subordinate humanity, all people imaged as feminine, that is weak, worthless, and sinful in relationship to God.”

We come to appreciate that to be fully human means that there is not one set of characteristics for men and another for women. Rather, men and women share similar human characteristics. Both have intelligence, the ability to be rational, to bring order and control, to be firm and gentle, tender and compassionate, intuitive and so forth. Their expression differs in men and women in their day-to-day work and relationships by personality not by biological differences.



  • As noted above, men and women possess similar characteristics. How do I experience this in my day-to-day relationships?
  • How would this understanding of ‘receptivity’ help to bring an end to sexism in our church and world?
  • How do I perceive that my capacity for receptivity is a prerequisite for listening to and being transformed by the Word of God.

Personal Prayer

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