Source of Living Water

“Source of Living Water,” a retreat for daily life, invites us in the midst of our busy lives to rest awhile in the centre of our being.

Marguerite Bourgeoys lived her life as Mary, mother and first disciple of Jesus, lived hers. Marguerite invites us like Mary “to live always in the presence of God as a mother who loves her child intensely does not lose him from her sight.” (Writings p .73)

In the silence, we are invited to be attentive to God who loves us personally, and with God, let us turn again and again towards our neighbour, towards all creation.


“Everyone who thirsts, come to the water” (Is 55:1).


“Source of Living Water” offers writings, reflections and art work of Marie † and Rachel.

We offer a daily reflection for five weeks. Choose the amount of time and the place most suited for reflection.

Perhaps you would like to keep a journal of your reflections. You might also want to gather other people together and share your reflections with them.

To contact us:

Marie Azzarello †, CND

Rachel Gaudreau, CND

We wish you a “pleasant journey.”


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